Easter Flowers
Make the Sanctuary Bloom on Easter Sunday!
Donate a pot of flowers to be placed in the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday. All purchased pots of flowers will then be delivered to congregants that are no longer able to worship on site with us.
If you would like to make a dedication, please add that to the form below. Dedications can include:
- In memory of someone
- In honour or recognition of someone
- In celebration of an event
- etc.
These messages will be recognized and published in a future e-blast and available in print on Easter Sunday morning. Indicate on the form below if you would like the dedication published in the eblast, in print, or both.
Are you able to volunteer some time to make a delivery to someone in the neighbourhood? These can be done directly after the service, or a day or two later when it is convenient for you. You can let us know on the form below.
Cost: $20 per pot
Last day to purchase: Monday March 31 at noon
How to pay: You can pay with your credit card online using the webpage that will open after you submit the form below. Alternatively:
- Send an e-transfer to office@christfirst.ca with a note in the memo that the payment is for Easter Flowers
- Cheques can be brought to the office during regular office hours, or left in the mailbox
- Cash can be brought to the office during regular office hours