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Building a Community Legacy
with our Physical Assets

The Real Estate Oversight Committee (REOC) was formed in June 2021 as a Committee of Council with a mandate to examine all viable options for the stewardship of Christ First’s property assets.

REOC Mandate

By a motion passed by the congregation on June 13, 2021, the Real Estate Oversight Committee (REOC) was established for the purpose of examining all viable options for the use of Christ First’s Real Estate Assets that honour the intent of the Amalgamation Agreement and Declaration of Trust and align with the outcomes from the November 2019 Congregational Visioning Session, including:

a) continuation with rentals and community use
b) development
c) leaseback
d) sale or
e) other

Steve Shaver (Chair), Barb Abrams, Carol Wilson, Dave Gittings, Jeff Sinclair, Rick Donaldson. 

To ensure financial transparency and accountability, REOC reports to Council and the Board of Trustees on a timely basis, and fully documents the process by minutes.  REOC provides periodic progress updates to the Congregation and Horseshoe Falls Regional Council.

The exploration process is consultative, involves interaction with the Congregation and other Committees as needed, and seeks input from sources outside the Christ First organization with knowledge or expertise which may contribute to the fulfillment of REOC’s mandate.


June 2021 – Formation of REOC

July 2021 – First meeting of REOC

Fall 2021:
  • monthly REOC meetings and reports to Council
  • report to Board of Trustees
  • began exploratory discussions with City of Mississauga, brokers, planning resources, 
  • progress update to Congregation
Winter 2022:
  • monthly REOC meetings and reports to Council
  • report to Congregation at Semi-annual Congregational Meeting
  • update to Horseshoe Falls Regional Council
  • exploratory discussions with Ward 1 Councillor, United Property Resource Corporation (United Church of Canada), Mississauga Heritage Sub-Committee
  • began to receive and review proposals from external contacts
  • began planning for September 2022 Visioning Session
Spring 2022:
  • continued planning for September 2022 Visioning Session
  • development of REOC landing page on Christ First website and communication plan
Future Steps:
  • Evaluate property options for presentation to Congregation
In order to better understand what sales and development alternatives are available to us, what levels of government have been consulted?

We have held fact finding discussions with local counsellors, the Chair of Mississauga Heritage Subcommittee; and Mississauga planning staff officials all with the intent of learning what current zoning regulations would permit us to do with our current real estate holdings.

What is the nature of the pro bono services we have received to date?

We will be receiving invaluable land use planning advice and financial modelling expertise gratis from private and public sector planners, local experienced developers and numerous international brokerage houses who have a real presence in our community.

Which of our properties may be sold or developed?

We have stressed repeatedly that REOC has a mandate to recommend the sale or development alternative that best enables CF to pursue its mission and is in keeping with our Three Pillars.

Have you obtained estimates of the value of each of our properties?

Yes, we requested and received proposals from four international brokerage firms outlining the types of professional assistance they could provide including value estimates of our properties for the highest and best use of our real estate parcels.

What will be the accessibility requirements for churches by 2025?

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) is a statute enacted in 2005 by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Canada. Its purpose is to improve accessibility standards for Ontarians with physical and mental disabilities to all public establishments by 2025. (Source: Wikipedia).


Further details about the legislation and requirements can be found in the Guide to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and Accessibility Requirements under the Ontario Building Code.

What is the principal purpose of the visioning session scheduled for September 18, 2022?

The purpose of this congregational session will be to consider what is important to our members as we explore and consider Christ First’s options regarding the future of our real estate holdings at both 151 Lakeshore Road and 1700 Mazo Crescent. It is hoped that the congregation’s input will contribute to the evaluative criteria used to eventually make mission/vision-driven decisions about the best use for our properties.

We are currently operating on two parallel paths.  The first is to determine what information we require in order to select the most appropriate partners to execute a plan that is in keeping with our Three Pillars and best by satisfying community needs.
The second path is to determine what initiatives the congregation would like to see pursued concerning how best to serve our community with a legacy program we can all be proud of.

Given the unanticipated 2022 operating budget deficit facing us, is it prudent to continue to finance the ongoing upkeep of both of our campuses?

While we remain a financially healthy congregation good stewardship of our assets might suggest a downsizing of our real estate properties is in order, particularly if the redundant properties can be repurposed to help satisfy community needs – hence assisting us to create a positive and lasting legacy. 

How can I submit a question or comment about the REOC process?

You may submit a question or comments via the Questions button on the top right of this page. It will be forwarded by the webmaster to Steve Shaver, Chair of REOC.